Night Time Person(s) Needed to Volunteer an hour or 2 in the evening to do "Tuck Ins".
This position can be for 1 person who lives close by or multiple people.
Our dogs are kenneled outside all day, we are looking for 1 or a few people who can help come in the evenings around 6 pm to feed the dogs, let them out of their kennel to use the bathroom and then "tuck" them into their crates inside.
Feed the dogs, administer meds if needed, make sure indoor crates have water and clean bedding, let dogs run the yard to use the bathroom (fall/winter months when it gets dark early) or walk down the road to use the bathroom (spring/summer when it's light out), get them in their crates inside, wash bowls, turn off lights and lock up.
Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're able to help!
We are seeking a part time employee, to work about 12 - 15 hours a week in the morning, preferably 7 - 7:30 am. Schedule for days is open right now. Duties would include taking care of dogs, cats and pigs and cleaning up around rescue house and farm. Volunteers are there on certain days to help.
We do require those interested in the job to volunteer for a few days to be sure they like/can handle the work first.
Feed the animals, put hay out, clean and fill water buckets, clean waste in the yards/stalls and any other farm duties that are necessary which can include helping administering meds, bathing, catching animals when the vet comes, mending fencing/electric fencing, preparing stalls and yards for the winter and other farm chores that come up.
Approximately 20 – 24 hours per week. 8:00 am to 12:00 PM
$15 per hour
Only by appointment will be considered. Call J. Lovett at 919-880-0851
Pip was born with no front legs. His parents belonged to a private breeder and because of his affliction, was scheduled to be euthanized. Hating to see the pup euthanized, a neighbor called WARM and WARM took him in.
As Julie Finlayson, the Director of WARM, states in the video — Pip doesn't know there is anything wrong with him. He runs and plays with the other small dogs at WARM and is just a happy, healthy little dog. Pip loves everyone he meets and everyone who meets Pip falls in love with him.
Pip is happy the way he is, but we plan on making Pip even happier. As soon as we can hold him still long enough (he is such a bundle of energy) to get measurements and raise the money, we are going to fit Pip with a pair of Eddie's Wheels!
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